Trauma implants for optimal mobility

Sorath Ortho is one of the leading Indian medical technology companies in the Trauma market. For 20 years our company has been developing, manufacturing and distributing implants and instruments for the traumatology. The motivation for our daily work focuses on the development and optimization of health promoting products – always with the well-being of the patient in mind. With our innovative products we actively shorten the healing process for almost all bone parts from the collarbone to the toes – compared with conventional treatments. This reduces ideally the costs for the clinic as well as the stress for the patients.
The central product group includes the Innovative plate systems with angle-stable and variable angle-stable locking.
The lable “Made in India” can be awarded without any doubt to all our products: All company processes – from development to distribution – concentrate at the production site in Ahmedabad, Gujrat , India. Sorath Ortho not only stands for recognized highest quality, but also excellent price/benefit ratio and comprehensive customer service.
At the India and International market of medical technology Sorath Ortho established its position with extensive research, development, manufacturing and distribution of implants. Since 1996 we work abroad on distribution-partner-basis. We are represented now in more than 35 countries.

Our Products

BCP Proximal Humerus Proton Plate – Product Description